Posted by Phoenix_the_II at 2006-12-22 14:55:31
With the holidays approaching we'll be spending quite a lot of our time with our families. And you probably will too.
For those who do not and who that requires our staff's assictance with either support and request queue processing:
Please bear with us that we cant be online as much as usual on these holidays. So be patient! :)
So have a nice holiday yourself aswell, we know we will :D

-The Nordicbots Staff
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#1 | 2006-12-24 01:59 | h3ll (NordicBots Staff) | Merry X-Mas to everyone :) |
| #2 | 2006-12-24 14:48 | anton (NordicBots Staff) | Happy christmas to everyone!!! =) |
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